Royal treasures of the feudal Nguyen Dynasty (1802 – 1945) of Viet Nam are on display in the former capital Hue City, in line with the biennial cultural Hue Festival 2014.
A handmade gown embroidered with phoenix patterns is on display at the private museum of Nguyen Dynastys Custom-made Porcelains. The gown was the formal royal costume worn by the kings wife and mother.
Gown worn by first-grade mandarins during the Nguyen Dynasty (1802 – 1945) in the collection of researcher Tran Dinh Son
The royal costume collection includes a formal gown and a semi-formal gown for first-grade mandarin and a formal gown for third-grade mandarin. While the gown of the princess is embroidered with phoenix patterns, the formal gown of a mandarin is embroidered with patterns of dragons, unicorns, turtles and phoenixes.
The princess and first-grade mandarins wear gowns in the royal colour, yellow. Gowns for lower-grade mandarins are in blue, to distinguish from the higher-ranking personnel.
The collection belongs to researcher Tran Dinh Son, whose grandfather used to be a first-grade mandarin in the dynasty. Son, who is based in HCM City, owns the museum.
Pottery items for smoking by royal members are on display at the Ta Vu building inside the Imperial City.
Sets of pottery and bronze artefacts that were used for culinary purposes and smoking by the royal family members are on display at the Ta Vu building inside the Imperial City.
The sets are exhibited with panels that feature the daily activities of royal members in the past.
The purpose of the exhibition at the museum is to celebrate the successful restoration of ancient pictures drawn on the walls of the building. The restoration work was carried out by German artists and funded by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.
All the artefacts are considered treasures as they are priceless. Similar artefacts are difficult to make and are rare in the world.
The exhibits at the museum are available for public viewing for free until April 19. The museum is located at 114 Mai Thuc Loan, Hue City.
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